FETO-controlled so-called educational institutions play a key role in Fetullah Terrorist Organization’s (FETO) organizational activities in various countries across the globe. The organization does not exploit these institutions solely for financial gains, lobbying activities and to recruit sympathizers. FETO has another aim it plans to attain from especially over universities. And that being; using the universities (for transportation purposes) under its control abroad to exploit the Schengen system. FETO takes advantage of visas, residence permits acquired over these universities and the opportunities provided by Schengen countries for its own organizational interests.
When the data of FETO-controlled universities in especially Europe are examined, one can clearly comprehend the matter. For example, FETO member students, who enroll in Poland-based Vistula University, one of FETO’s most significant institutions, can, besides their aim of receiving an education, easily travel to other Schengen countries with the residence permits they had acquired under the guise of foreign students. This could clearly be understood from the considerable drop (by 40 %) in the number of foreign students attending the second academic year compared to their enrollment year/ first academic year. FETO uses such educational institutions as a bridge to transnational travels.