FETO ringleader Fetullah GÜLEN ordered his followers to worm their ways into government agencies encouraging them ‘to consider anything and everything fair game as long as it served their cause’.
In pursuit of his orders, FETO members developed illegal access to the questions of several nation-wide exams between 2002 and 2014 including the Public Personnel Selection Examination, the entrance exams for the Police College, Military High Schools, Medical Proficiency, Recruitment of Judges or the National Language Proficiency Exam.
FETO members implanted in the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM), the sole institution entitled to organize nation-wide exams including those listed above, stole the questions of many national exams, which serve as a gateway to employment in governmental posts for thousands of aspiring young candidates in Turkey, and distributed them to their fellow members. This method enabled FETO to colonize and take root in all strategic government agencies.
How did they achieve to steal the questions?
In his statement, an engineer who used to work at the ÖSYM admitted the following: ‘On orders from FETO, I sought and found employment at the center though I was working at a different government agency back then. As the exam questions were being uploaded, I managed to tap into the system by means of a software (ProNMS) to create and send copies of the uploaded files (questions) into a virtual server (WSUS) that I installed. Afterwards I took the questions to my immediate supervisor.’
Investigations revealed a total of 80 people who were in charge of distributing the stolen questions across Turkey, according to the indictment. 433 of those who took the exam confessed that FETO gave them the questions beforehand.
In response to the question ‘Isn’t it a sin, according to Islam, to steal the questions?’ FETO officials justified their crime claiming that ‘It is not a sin. It is a war against the infidels. Why should we let their children to get employed in the government while we have our own to think about? Obviously we had to do something about it.’
The justification of the stealing of the questions by claiming it to be ‘a necessary deed undertaken to serve the interests of the group’ is a revelation of the distorted mindset of the FETO leadership. This blatant act of theft was disparaged even by some FETO members, though very limited in number, including the journalists Bülent KENEŞ and Ahmet DÖNMEZ.