Australian Relief Organization (ARO) is a Sydney, Australia-based NGO under FETO control. It was founded in August 2012 to purportedly provide humanitarian services. Having its headquarters at ‘Unit 2, 10 Newton Street South, Auburn NSW 2144 Sydney, Australia’, ARO works in partnership with FETO-run educational entities. Keeping only a symbolic sliver (10%) of the funds they raised under the pretense of providing humanitarian assistance (foodstuff, water wells, etc.) for use in relief activities, ARO sends the remaining 90% to the FETO HQ in Pennsylvania, US. Australian Relief Organization plays a central role in transferring funds and their executive board is made up of FETO/PSS members who are subjects of search and arrest warrants issued by Turkish courts. Having secured a flow of high profits out of the activities of this so-called humanitarian organization, ARO managers have been leading a luxurious life in Australia.

He is the founder and the head of the Australia-based FETO-run Australian Relief Organization which focused its operations in Asia and Africa.
He participates the secret meetings organized by FETO/Australia as a senior figure.
On orders from FETO/PSS, he has been posting hostile messages on social media targeting Turkey and spreading terrorist FETO/PSS propaganda.
Every one of his family members was raised and schooled by FETO and, assigned different tasks.
He is currently tried for ‘Establishing or Commanding a Terrorist Organization’ and ‘Being a Member of an Armed Terrorist Organization’. He is the subject of an outstanding arrest warrant issued by Turkish courts.

Cihan Tarkan TÜMEN
He is a member of the executive board of the Australia-based FETO-run Australian Relief Organization which focused its operations in Asia and Africa.
He plays an active role in FETO events in Australia.
He participates the secret meetings organized by FETO/Australia as a senior figure.
He used to work at the FETO-controlled Amity College in Australia.
On orders from FETO/PSS, he has been posting hostile messages on social media targeting Turkey and spreading terrorist FETO/PSS propaganda.
He is currently tried for ‘Being a Member of an Armed Terrorist Organization’. He is the subject of an outstanding arrest warrant issued by Turkish courts.

He is a member of the executive board of the Australia-based FETO-run Australian Relief Organization which focused its operations in Asia and Africa.
On orders from FETO/PSS, he has been posting hostile messages on social media targeting Turkey and spreading terrorist FETO/PSS propaganda.
He plays an active role in FETO events in Australia. He is also a member of the FETO Board of Trustees in Sydney.
He participates the secret meetings organized by FETO/Australia as a senior figure.
He has been based in Australia since 1995 and he had served in a number of FETO-controlled entities in the country since.
He used to be the FETO Leader in charge of Myanmar in the past.
He is the subject of an outstanding arrest warrant issued by Turkish courts for ‘Being a Member of an Armed Terrorist Organization’.
He is a director at the Australia-based FETO-run Australian Relief Organization which focused its operations in Asia and Africa.
On orders from FETO/PSS, he has been posting hostile messages on social media targeting Turkey and spreading terrorist FETO/PSS propaganda.
He participates the secret meetings organized by FETO/Australia as a senior figure.
He is the subject of an outstanding arrest warrant issued by Turkish courts for ‘Being a Member of an Armed Terrorist Organization’.

He is the representative/CEO of the Australia-based FETO-run Australian Relief Organization which focused its operations in Asia and Africa.
On orders from FETO/PSS, he has been posting hostile messages on social media targeting Turkey and spreading terrorist FETO/PSS propaganda.
He participates the secret meetings organized by FETO/Australia as a senior figure.
He directly reports to FETO ringleader Fetullah GÜLEN concerning ARO activities who assigns him the tasks.
He has been in Australia since 1999. Before ARO, he served in a variety of FETO-controlled entities including Galaxy Foundation, Auburn College and Zaman Australia.
He plays an active role in FETO events in Australia. He is also a member of the FETO Board of Trustees in Sydney.
He had submitted documents to Australian authorities certifying that he was working full-time at three separate agencies (Zaman Australia and Feza Foundation in Sydney, Burç College in Adelaide) in different cities in Australia in a bid to get permanent residence and acquire citizenship. This clearly shows that FETO exploits the local opportunities offered by the hosting country to promote their own interest.
He is the subject of an outstanding arrest warrant issued by Turkish courts for ‘Being a Member of an Armed Terrorist Organization’.

He is the director in charge of Melbourne at the Australia-based FETO-run Australian Relief Organization which focused its operations in Asia and Africa.
On orders from FETO/PSS, he has been posting hostile messages on social media targeting Turkey and spreading terrorist FETO/PSS propaganda.
He has been a part of the FETO/Australia for a very long time. He used to be the FETO Coordinator (Imam) for Melbourne in the past.
He participates the secret meetings organized by FETO/Australia as a senior figure.
He is the subject of an outstanding arrest warrant issued by Turkish courts for ‘Being a Member of an Armed Terrorist Organization’.