He is the author of the article titled A Vector-Autoregression-Intervention Analysis of PKK Terrorism and Turkey’s Counterterrorism published in the September 2023 edition of the Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism.
Operating under the organization’s instructions, he posts anti-Turkish material and promotes the terrorist organization over social media.
While working for the Turkish National Police (TNP), he secretly met the organization’s executive at regular intervals to inform him about the developments in his institution and the information he had compiled on non-FETO officers and acted in line with the organization’s directives. He was thus expelled from the TNP.
He was the user of ByLock, a chat application used by FETO/PSS members for secret organizational communication.
While in Türkiye, he was the “house leader” of FETO/PSS-owned student homes and was involved in recruitment activities for the organization.
He currently resides in the US and continues to operate by attending the meetings organized by the organization.
Ali OZDOGAN, who currently remains a fugitive, has an existing arrest warrant issued against him for the charge of “Membership to an Armed Terrorist Organization”.