He is a social media mercenary tasked by FETO with stirring economic instability.
His recent provocative posts on social media targeting the Turkish economy seek to invoke panic among people. He has been posting unfounded messages alarming the public to an alleged currency crisis crippling Turkish banks to the extent that they have purportedly been rejecting their customers who wanted to withdraw the foreign currency in their accounts.
There are pending court cases filed against him on charges of ‘Being a Member of an Armed Terrorist Organization’, ‘Public Incitement to Hate and Hostility’ and ‘Violating the Turkish Commercial Code # 6102’. He is the subject of an outstanding arrest warrant issued by Turkish courts.
T. BOZKURT is a notorious figure in media circles for his fierce loyalty to the FETO. He used to be the Economics Editor of the now-defunct FETO-run Zaman Newspaper prior to the FETO’s attempted military coup on July 15th, 2016.
He worked together with Ekrem DUMANLI, the former Editor-in-Chief of the Zaman Newspaper and a fugitive senior FETO official, and Rıza Nur MERAL, Chairman of TUSKON, the FETO-founded organization for businessmen.
Back in the 2000s Turhan Bozkurt used to participate at events organized by the ‘Open Society Foundation’ (OSF) in İstanbul and forge close relations with the OSF officials.
He used his position as the ‘Economics Editor of Zaman’ to threaten the companies and businessmen which failed to comply with FETO demands (donations, himmah/FETO’s regular local fundraising activities, etc.), penned defamatory articles about them and thus, fulfilled his mission as a financial hired gun in the media.
In the timeframe between 2013 and 2014 Turhan Bozkurt conned FETO member businessmen Hamdi Akın İPEK and Hacı BOYDAK into remunerating him for provision of legal assistance and authoring manipulative articles in their favor as a result of which he accumulated a significant amount of illicit profit. His failure to provide the promised services in time, however, led to trouble with the two notorious businessmen who took their complaints against him to the FETO ringleader Fetullah GULEN.
During the same timeframe he penned articles on Zaman encouraging people into putting their investments in the FETO-run Bank Asya. All the money deposited in Bank Asya had been funneled abroad not long after by Ali CELIK and Ahmet BEYAZ, the managers of Bank Asya.
Currently Turhan Bozkurt lives in Sindlingen, Frankfurt, Germany and he has been spreading terrorist FETO propaganda over his Twitter account TurhanBozkurTV and his YouTube channel Turhan BOZKURT. He also works at the FETO-run web-site Kronosnews.
As of April 2023 he has been telling the Turkish businessmen he met at the religious gatherings he joined in Germany that the leader Fetullah GULEN was now a senile old man and the future of the organization looked vague and dark which was why he needed solid financial advices to be able to secure his previous investments.
His wife Reyhan BOZKURT is a FETO member. She was officially removed from her position as a teacher in İstanbul for ‘passing on information relating to developments within the school and on non-FETO member personnel’ at the secret meetings she held with her FETO controller (handler) on a periodical basis and ‘acting on the directives of FETO’.